Indonesia:Ensuring MCH Services with the MCH Handbook Project Collection

 The Maternal and Child Health Handbook (MCH Handbook) is the integrated home-based record in Indonesia. It started in Salatiga Municipality of Central Java Province as a pilot, and was validated in other quite different islands.
Currently, the MCH Handbook is used throughout the whole of Indonesia.

 This Project Collection showcases the MCH Handbook itself, as well as other materials in the more than 20 year history of Japanese cooperation with Indonesia for the improved health of mothers and children there.

 • The Indonesian version (the website of the Ministry of Health in Indonesia)(2009)

 • The English version(2009)

[ The current Guidebook for the use of the MCH Handbook ]
 • Technical Guidebook (2009) ( EngIndonesian )
 • The Management Guidebook (2009) (EngIndonesian)

[Info sheet ] (Only Eng)
 • MCH Handbook Orientation Packet for Health Provider
 • MCH Handbook Orientation Package for MCH Cadres and Supporters
 • Mothers' Class - Birth Preparedness
 • Mothers' Class - Child Health

[Orientation package for the MCH Handbook Use ] ( Eng • Indonesian )
For Health Personnel
 • Participant's Guidebook (2008) ( EngIndonesian )
 • Facilitator's Notebook (2008) ( EngIndonesian )
 • Instrument: Work Place Assesment Post-Orientation (2008) ( EngIndonesian)
 • Facilitator's Handbook for MCH Cadres and Supporters (2008) ( Indonesian )

[Further guides to use the MCH Handbook for group learning ] ( Only Indonesian )
For pregnant women
 • Mothers' Class - Birth Preparedness : Flip ChartImplementation Guideline • Facilitator's Handbook

For mothers of Under-5 Children
 • Mothers' Class - Child Health : Flip ChartImplementation GuidelineFacilitator's Handbook

For both contents fo Mother's Class
 • Mothers' Class - Birth Preparedness and Child Health : Management Guideline • Training for Health Provider ( Participant's NotebookFacilitator's Notebook ) • Training of Trainer for Health Provider (Participant's NotebookFacilitator's Notebook )

[ The Archive of MCH Handbook arranged by province ]
National Bali Province Bangka-Belitung Province Banten Province
Bengkulu Province Central Java Province Central Kalimantan Province Central Sulawesi Province
DI Yogyakarta Province DKI Jakarta East Java Province East Kalimantan Province
East Nusa Tenggara Province Gorontalo Province Jambi Province Lampung Province
North Sulawesi Province North Sumatra Province Papua Province Riau Province
South East Sulawesi Province South Kalimantan Province South Sulawesi Province South Sumatra Province
West Java Province West Kalimantan Province West Nusa Tenggara Province West Sumatra Province

[ National ]
Year Region or Co-Author Types of material
1997 MOH with JICA MCH Handbook Helath Provider Guideline Helath Volunteer Guideline
1998 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project): Copy of English version MCH Handbook(Eng)      
1998 MOH with JICA    Helath Provider Guideline   
1999 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook      
2000 Ministry of Health and Social Welfare with JICA MCH Handbook Helath Provider Guideline   
2000 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project): Copy of English version MCH Handbook(Eng)      
2000 Donated by the Women's group at the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia for private clinics of Indonesian Midwifery Association Members MCH Handbook      
2000 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook    Helath Volunteer Guideline
2001 Funded by USAID to KOALISI for Healthy Indonesia and Indonesian Midwifery Association MCH Handbook      
2001 Donated by the Women's group at the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia for private clinics of Indonesian Midwifery Association Members MCH Handbook      
2001 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project): Copy of English version MCH Handbook(Eng)      
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Provider Guideline Helath Volunteer Guideline
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Provider Guideline   
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook(Eng)      
2003 MOH with Association of Voluntary Health Serivices of Indonesia (Persatuan Karya Dharma Kesehatan Indonesia) MCH Handbook      
2003 MOH with UNICEF for Eastern part of Indonesia MCH Handbook      
2004 MOH with Indonesia Midwifery Association for the members' private clinics MCH Handbook      
2004 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Provider Guideline   
2005 MOH (Directorat Jenderal Bina Kesehatan Masyarakat) MCH Handbook      
2005 MOH with Indonesia Midwifery Association for the members' private clinics MCH Handbook      
2005 MOH (Gerakan Nasional Pemantauan Tumbuh Kembang Anak) MCH Handbook      
2006 MOH with JICA MCH Handbook      
2006 MOH with JICA MCH Handbook      
2006 MOH with UNICEF for Eastern part of Indonesia MCH Handbook      
2007 Muslimat NU for their clinics (Copy version) MCH Handbook      
2007 MOH with World Food Program MCH Handbook      
2008 MOH with Millenium Challenge Corporation Indonesia/ Immunization Project, USAID MCH Handbook      
2008 MOH with UNICEF for Western part of Indonesia MCH Handbook      
2009 MOH with Indonesia Midwifery Association for the members' private clinics MCH Handbook      
2010 MOH MCH Handbook      
2011 MOH with PT ASTRA as CSR for selected district(s) MCH Handbook      

[ Bali Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2000 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2002 Badung District (APBDj MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2004 Badung District Health Office MCH Handbook
2005 Bali Provincial Health Office (Program Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat Satuan Kerja Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan) MCH Handbook

[ Bangka-Belitung Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2002 Bangka District and Pinang Municipality (Peningkatan Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2003 Bangka-Belitung Provincial Health Office (Program Gizi Masyarakat) Helath Provider Guideline
2005 Pangkalpinang Municipality Health Office MCH Handbook
2005 Bangka-Belitung Provincial Health Office (APBD) MCH Handbook

[ Banten Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2002 Tangerang District Health Office (Subdin Bina Kesga APBD 2004) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2003 Cilegon Municiparity, Banten Provincial Health Office MCH Handbook
2004 Banten Provincial Health Office MCH Handbook
2006 Banten Provincial Health Office MCH Handbook
2009 Banten Provincial Health Office MCH Handbook

[ Bengkulu Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
1999 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
1999 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Provider Guideline
2000 Bengkulu Provincial Health Office (Proyek PPKM FHN-ADB/1471-INO) MCH Handbook
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook

[ Central Java Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
1994 Central Java Provincial Health Office with JICA the FP/MCH project for Salatiga Mucipality use MCH Handbook
1995 Central Java Provincial Health Office with JICA MCH Handbook(Eng)
1996 Central Java Provincial Health Office with JICA MCH Handbook-Manual(Eng)
1995 Central Java Provincial Health Office with JICA the FP/MCH project for Salatiga Mucipality use MCH Handbook(Eng)
1996 Central Java Provincial Health Office with JICA MCH Handbook
1996 Central Java Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat Th.1996/1997 IBRD 3550-Ind/Proyek CHN3) MCH Handbook
1997 Central Java Provincial Health Office with JICA MCH Handbook Helath Provider Guideline
1998 MOH with JICA MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
1998 Central Java Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat Th.1998/1999 IBRD 3550-Ind/Proyek CHN3) MCH Handbook
1998 Central Java Provincial Health Office (Proyek Perbaikan Gizi 1998/1999) MCH Handbook
1999 MOH with JICA MCH Handbook
1999 Central Java Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat Th.1999/2000) MCH Handbook
1999 Central Java Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat Th.1999/2000 IBRD 4207-IND) MCH Handbook
1999 Central Java Provincial Office of MOH with JICA the FP/MCH project for Salatiga Municipality, Central Java Province MCH Handbook
2000 MOH with JICA MCH Handbook
2001 Central Java Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Upaya Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat 2001) MCH Handbook
2001 Salatiga Munucipality Health Office MCH Handbook
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) Helath Volunteer Guideline
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2003 Demak District Branch of Indonesian Midwifery Association MCH Handbook
2003 Klaten District Health Office MCH Handbook
2003 Berau District Health Office MCH Handbook
2004 Wonogiri District Health Office (2004) MCH Handbook
2004 Sragen District (Proyek Pengadaan Buku KIA 2004) MCH Handbook
2004 Central Java Provincial Health Office (Proyek Perbaikan Gizi Masyarakat) MCH Handbook
2011 Salatiga Municipality Health Office MCH Handbook

[ Central Kalimantan Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2000 Central Kalimantan Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat 2000) Helath Volunteer Guideline
2001 East Kotawaringin District Health Office MCH Handbook
2001 Central Kalimantan Provincial Health Office (Proyek Kesehatan Keluarga dan Gizi ADB Loan 1471-INO 2001) MCH Handbook
2002 Kapuas District (Proyek Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatana Masyarakat) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook

[ Central Sulawesi Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook

[ DI Yogyakarta Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2001 Kulon Progo District Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Kesehatan Keluarga:PPKK) MCH Handbook

2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook

2009 Bamtul District Hospital (RSUD Bantul), Yogyakarta Provincial Health Office MCH Handbook

[ DKI Jakarta ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2004 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook

[ East Java Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
1999 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2000 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2000 East Java Provincial Health Office with UNICEF MCH Handbook
2000 Malang District Health Office MCH Handbook
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2002 Nganjuk District Health Office Helath Volunteer Guideline
2003 East Java Provincical Health Office MCH Handbook
2003 Lumajang District Health Office (Proyek Penyuluhan Kesehatan dan Perbaikan Gizi 2003) MCH Handbook
2003 Madiun Municipality Health Office MCH Handbook
2004 East Java Provincical Health Office MCH Handbook
2006 East Java Provincial Health Office (DIPA Satker 03, Program Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat 2006 Sub Dinas Kesehatan Keluarga dan Gizi) MCH Handbook
2006 Health office of Komando Daerah Militer V/Bariwijaya MCH Handbook
2007 Dr. Sunodono Hospital of East Java Province in Mudiun Municipality MCH Handbook
2007 East Java Provincial Health Office (Program Upaya Kesehatana Masyarakat Sub Dinas Kesga & Gizi) MCH Handbook
2008 East Java Provincical Health Office (Sub Dinas Kesehatan Keluarga dan Gizi: DPA-SKPD 2008) MCH Handbook
2008 Madiun Municipality Health Office MCH Handbook
2009 Blitar District Government (DAU) MCH Handbook

[ East Kalimantan Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2001 Bontang Municiparity Health Office MCH Handbook
2001 East Kalimantan Provincial Health Office (Proyek PUKM 2001) MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2004 Pupuk Kaltim Hospital in Bontang Manucipality MCH Handbook

[ East Nusa Tenggara Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
1999 East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat CHN-3 1998/1999) MCH Handbook
2000 East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Health Office MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2003 East Sumba District (Copy version) MCH Handbook

[ Gorontalo Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2002 Gorontalo Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Kesehatan 2002) MCH Handbook
2002 Gorontalo Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Kesehatan 2002) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook

[ Jambi Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
1999 St. Theresia Hospital in Jambi Province MCH Handbook
2000 Jambi Municiparity (Proyek PPKM Kota Jambi) MCH Handbook
2001 Jambi Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat 2001) Helath Provider Guideline Helath Volunteer Guideline
2001 Jambi Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat 2001) MCH Handbook
2001 Jambi Provincial Health Office (Proyek Pembinaan Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2001) MCH Handbook
2001 Batanghari District Health Office (Proyek Kesehatan Keluarga) MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2002 Jambi Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Upaya Kesehatan 2002) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2004 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2006 SCHS project co-funded by the European Union and MOH MCH Handbook

[ Lampung Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2003 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project MCH Handbook
2004 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project MCH Handbook

[ North Sulawesi Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
1999 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project MCH Handbook Helath Provider Guideline Helath Volunteer Guideline
2000 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project Helath Volunteer Guideline
2002 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project MCH Handbook

[ North Sumatra Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
1988 JICA North Sumatra Health Promotion Project MCH Handbook
2000 North Sumatra Provincial Health Office Helath Provider Guideline Helath Volunteer Guideline
2003 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project MCH Handbook
2003 South Tapanuli Sunicipality Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Manajemen dan Pelayanan Kesehatan 2003) MCH Handbook
2004 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project MCH Handbook

[ Papua Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2000 Project Concern International/Indonesia for Nabire District                                                     MCH Handbook
2001 Project Concern International/Indonesia (Program Kesehatan Pekerj) MCH Handbook
2006 SCHS project co-funded by the European Union and MOH MCH Handbook
2009 MOH with GAVI-HSS MCH Handbook

[ Riau Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2000 Riau Provincial Health Office MCH Handbook Helath Provider Guideline
2002 Bengkalis District (Kelompok Kerja Tetap Gerakan Sayang Ibu 2002)(Copy version) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project MCH Handbook
2004 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project MCH Handbook

[ South East Sulawesi Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2004 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook

[ South Kalimantan Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
1999 Hulu Sungai Selatan District (Proyek Peningkatan Kesehatana Masyarakat 1999/2000) MCH Handbook
2001 South Kalimantan Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Kesehatan Keluarga dan Gizi: FHN ADB LOAN 1471 -INO) MCH Handbook
2001 Hulu Sungai Tengah District (Proyek Peningkatan Upaya Kesehatan Masyarkat 2001) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2004 Hulu Sungai Tengah District MCH Handbook
2010 South Kalimantan Provincial Health Office (Bidang Pelayanan Kesehatna DPA SKPD) MCH Handbook
2007 South Kalimantan Provincial Branch of Indonesian Midwifery Association for private clinics MCH Handbook

[ South Sulawesi Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
1999 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2000 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2000 South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office with UNICEF MCH Handbook
2001 South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office and Provincial Government (Proyek Peningkatan Pembinaan KIA 2001) MCH Handbook
2001 Bolaang Mongondow District Health Office MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2004 Jeneponto District Health and Social office (DAU MELALUI APBD 2004) MCH Handbook
2005 Pare-pare District Health Office MCH Handbook
2006 South Sulawesi Provincial Health Office MCH Handbook
2008 Barru District Health Office MCH Handbook
2010 Barru District Health Office MCH Handbook
2011 Rumah Sakit Ibu dan anak Siti Fatimah MCH Handbook

[ South Sumatra Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2001 South Sumatra Provincial Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Pembinaan KIA 2001) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2004 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2006 South Sumatra Provincial Health Office MCH Handbook

[ West Java Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2004 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2004 Karawang District Health Office MCH Handbook
2006 Garut District (APBD II) MCH Handbook

[ West Kalimantan Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2001 West Kalimantan Provincial Health Office with World Vision Indonesia 2001 MCH Handbook
2001 Landak District Health Office MCH Handbook
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2002 Pontianak Municipality Health Office MCH Handbook
2002 Sintang District Health Office (Proyek Peningkatan Pemberdayaan Kesehatan Keluarga 2002) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2003 Sintang District Health Office 2003 MCH Handbook
2003 Pontianak Municipality Health Office MCH Handbook
2004 Pontianak District Health Office 2004 MCH Handbook
2005 Pontianak District Health Office (2005) MCH Handbook
2005 Sintang District Health Office 2005 MCH Handbook
2005 Singkawang Municipality Health Office (Proyek HWS Kota Singkawang 2005) MCH Handbook
2006 Pontianak District Health Office 2006 MCH Handbook
2006 West Kalimantan Provincial Health Office (Program UKM untuk Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak 2006) MCH Handbook
2007 Pontianak District Health Office (2007) MCH Handbook

[ West Nusa Tenggara Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
2000 MOH with JICA the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project MCH Handbook Helath Volunteer Guideline
2002 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2003 Central Lombok District Health Office (DAU 2003) MCH Handbook
2004 Central Lombok District Health Office (DAU 2004) MCH Handbook
2005 Central Lombok District Health Office (DAU 2005) MCH Handbook
2005 West Lombok District Community Health Office MCH Handbook
2006 Central Lombok District Health Office (DAU 2006) MCH Handbook
2006 West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Health Office MCH Handbook

[ West Sumatra Province ]
Published Year Budget/Contributor for printing/reprinting Type of Publications
1999 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook Helath Provider Guideline Helath Volunteer Guideline
2000 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2001 West Sumatra Provincial Health Office (Proyek PUK) with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook-Manual(Indonesian)
2003 MOH with JICA (the Ensuring Quality of MCH Services through MCH handbook project) MCH Handbook
2004 Payakumbuh Municipality Health Office MCH Handbook
2004 West Sumatra Provincial Health Office (APBD) MCH Handbook
2005 Sawahlunto/Sijunjung District (Proyek HWS 2005) MCH Handbook
2005 West Sumatra Provincial Health Office (APBD) MCH Handbook
2005 Solok District Health Office (Kegiatan Peningkatan Cakupan, Kualitas dan Efektivitas Pola Kemitraan Upaya Penanganan Kesehatan Keluarga) MCH Handbook
2005 UPDT Gunung Health Center, Padang Panjang Municipality, West Sumatra Province MCH Handbook
2005 Payakumbuh Municipality Health Office MCH Handbook
2005 Padang (Municipality) Branch of Indonesian Midwifery Association MCH Handbook
2006 Tanah Datar District Health and Social Office (HWS 2006) MCH Handbook
2006 Solok District Health Office MCH Handbook
2010 Payakumbuh Municipality Health Office MCH Handbook

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